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11个月前 (06-03)星座85

As one of the most popular social media platforms today, TikTok has not only become a popular entertainment tool, but also a platform for exploring and experiencing different cultures, opinions, lifestyles, and social norms. It has also attracted the attention of social scientists as an example of how technology is shaping and reflecting different aspects of modern society from a sociological perspective. In this article, we will provide a review guide on the sociology of TikTok as a resource for students and researchers interested in exploring this fascinating topic.



TikTok is a short-form video sharing platform that allows users to create and share videos with others around the world. It was launched in 2016 by the Chinese company ByteDance, and since then it has become a global phenomenon, with over 800 million active users worldwide. Its popularity among young people has made it a particularly important platform for exploring issues related to youth culture, identity, and socialization. But TikTok also provides a rich source of data for social scientists to study topics such as social norms, gender and race relations, and the impact of social media on individual and collective behavior.

Sociological Concepts on TikTok

One of the most interesting features of TikTok is the way it enables users to challenge and subvert social norms, values, and expectations. TikTok users often create videos that are intended to be humorous, ironic, or satirical, but that also reflect deeper social issues and inequalities. For example, many TikTok videos address issues of body image, beauty standards, and self-esteem. Others explore topics such as gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity. Some of the sociological concepts that can be observed on TikTok include:

  • Self-Presentation: TikTok users often use the platform to present themselves in a particular way, such as by adopting a particular style or identity. This can help them to establish a sense of belonging to a particular subculture or community.
  • Socialization: TikTok provides a unique arena for young people to explore and experiment with different social norms and behaviors. By observing and interacting with other users, they can learn about different cultures, lifestyles, and identities.
  • Microaggressions: Although TikTok provides a space for subverting social norms and expectations, it can also be a source of microaggressions and discrimination. Users may face harassment and hate speech based on their race, gender, or sexual orientation.
  • Cultural Capital: TikTok has its own set of cultural norms and practices that can provide users with a form of cultural capital. For example, users who create engaging and humorous content may gain a large following and become influencers in the TikTok community.

Research on TikTok

The sociology of TikTok is still a relatively new area of research, but there are already a number of studies that have explored different aspects of this platform. Some of the topics that researchers have focused on include:

  • Gender and Sexuality: Researchers have examined how TikTok is used to explore and challenge traditional norms and expectations related to gender and sexuality. For example, they have looked at how TikTok can be used to promote diversity and inclusion, and how it can serve as a platform for feminist activism.
  • Race and Ethnicity: Other researchers have explored the ways in which TikTok reflects and challenges racial and ethnic hierarchies. They have examined how different groups use TikTok to express their identities and engage with others, and how they navigate issues of representation and power.
  • Mental Health: Some studies have looked at the potential benefits and risks of using TikTok for mental health support and awareness. They have explored how users use TikTok to share their struggles, find community support, or access helpful resources.


TikTok is a fascinating platform for exploring the sociology of modern society. Its global reach, engagement, and diversity make it an illuminating case study for understanding social norms, identity, and cultural practices in an age of technological innovation and globalization. While the sociology of TikTok is still a developing area of research, it is clear that this platform offers great potential for advancing our understanding of some of the most pressing social issues of our time.

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