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2年前 (2022-05-15)名人名言167


The present was my next experiment of this kind, which I purpose to describe more at length, for convenience putting the experience of two years into one. As I have said, I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up.这是包含这句名言的那一段话,

与其相应的句子应该是:but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up.



梭罗 名言I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. 索罗这首诗的名字是什么

瓦尔登湖我步入丛林, 因为我希望从容不迫地生活, 在只有基本事实的生活面前,并且看看我是否能从中是否能学习到什么. .